Category Archives: divorce

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The common reasons for modern divorces

Divorces occur with frequency in family courts across the United States. Some may wonder why many Illinois marriages end in dissolution. Research studies…

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Technology could be divulging your secrets in a divorce

You use technology to make your life easier, but in the wrong hands, it can also be used to hurt you. If you…

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Divorce can bring a roller coaster of emotions

At our law firm, we have years of experience that give us insight into the full range of emotions our clients go through…

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New Illinois law looks out for pets’ interests in divorce cases

Illinois pet owners often do not consider their pets to be mere items of personal property. Many consider their furry friends to be…

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Couples getting a divorce should consider tax implications

Any Illinois divorce will have emotional considerations. Many people will be concerned that they are doing the wrong thing and are hesitant to…

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Might conciliation be ordered and hold up my divorce?

Often, Illinois couples who have decided that their marriage is no longer working and they want to get a divorce will want to…

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Am I entitled to spousal support in Illinois?

Finances are a common concern in an Illinois divorce and its aftermath. For spouses who were stay-at-home or made significantly less income than…

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When can a person be charged with failure to pay spousal support?

One of the most difficult issues to navigate in an Illinois divorce is how much a supporting spouse must pay to the other…

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Experienced legal help is critical when thinking about divorce

When deciding to get a divorce in Illinois, there will undoubtedly be many questions and concerns that people will have. Such issues as…

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When can my divorce be a joint simplified dissolution?

Not all Illinois divorces are contentious and complicated with emotional issues causing discord between the parties. In certain cases, the couple can resolve…

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