Category Archives: child custody

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Family law and organizing visitation with a newborn in Illinois

Illinois parents whose relationship has ended will need to consider how to handle child-related issues. This can encompass who has custody and what…

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Apps that make co-parenting easier

Keeping your kids’ schedules straight when you’re married can be a challenge. When you and your spouse separate, things get 10 times more…

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How do states’ child custody laws handle parental relocations?

Parents in Illinois may be concerned that, in a custody dispute, the other parent may relocate with the child to another state and…

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What is right of first refusal with child custody in Illinois?

When an Illinois couple has a child and both parents share parental rights, there are certain issues that can be complicated when providing…

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When is moving viewed as parental relocations in Illinois?

One of the most difficult issues to deal with in an Illinois divorce is if the custodial parent seeks to move away with…

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Illinois ranked near the bottom for fathers’ parenting time

Parenting time is a major concern when parents in Illinois split up. After the relationship has concluded, many cases will involve disagreements regarding…

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Child custody laws in Illinois could be set to change

Parents in Illinois who part ways as a couple and share a child will undoubtedly be aware of the need for some form…

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Can a child support order add expenses for child care?

The main objective behind a child support order in Illinois is to serve the best interests of the child. While the courts will…

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Amendment to Illinois law regulating parenting time proposed

For Illinois parents who have parted ways, custody and visitation is often one of the most difficult issues for them to hash out.…

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